Welcome to Individual Ideology

Question everything...know nothing.
Politics and Religion for too long have attempted to define the most complicated and ever changing facets of our minds, our individual ideologies. We have been shoved into boxes and labeled like a package of Rice-a-Roni. We as human beings must feel like we are a part of a whole. That is why we ask the questions; liberal or conservative? Democrat or Republican? Religious or spiritual? When in reality not one of these terms we have coined could ever truly define who we are. Now is the time to rip off our labels, climb out of our boxes and reclaim our individual ideologies.

If you would like to discuss a specific topic, let me know in the commentary section.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Why is Gay Marriage "Wrong"?

Being that I am attracted to the opposite sex, I couldn't imagine living in a world where the social norm was same sex attractions. A world that told me that that was my choice and that I could chose to be gay if I wanted. I can't chose to be attracted to the same sex any more than a gay man can chose to be attracted to a woman. The ideal of falling in love and sharing your life with someone is something that drives almost every human being. I can't tell you what determines a person's sexuality, but I can tell you that it's not my place to deny them the same rights that I would be able to enjoy. Gay Marriage is not about destroying the "sanctity" of marriage; it's about allowing equal rights for all. I think we would all agree that a black man has every right to marry a white woman. This was not the case a mere 40 years ago. This is an issue about civil rights, not about religion or morality. If you believe it's a sin to be gay, that is your right, but it is not your right to ban what you feel to be questionably immoral. If you wish to ban gay marriage on a moral stand point, then do you also wish to make laws against premarital sex and adultery? Separation of Church and State was created for a reason. So the question is not, will Gay Marriage destroy the "sanctity" of marriage; but, does every human being deserve the same civil rights that I am blessed to have?

What does the legalization of Gay Marriage mean to you?

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Thoughts invoked by Bill Maher's documentary, Religulous.

Is religion ridiculous?
Is faith, faith in God or faith in man?
Can you believe in God or a higher power without the guidelines of religion?
Can you be a moral human being without religion?
Are religion and blind faith dangerous?
What if you have great religious faith and follow every doctrine of your church only to discover you picked the wrong religion?
Do you now go to hell?
If you are religious, do you believe everything your church has always believed?
If your church still preached what it did 200 years ago, would you still be a member?
Since churches are created by man, and men make mistakes, how do you know which aspects of your religion are truly part of God's plan?
What if there is no God?
What if there is?
Has God ever talked to you?
How can you tell the difference between God and your conscience?
Is the sense of right and wrong taught through religion or is it innate in every human being?
What would happen if there was no more religion?
Would there be less war?
Would there be less judgment?
Would we finally see Peace on Earth?

I don't know. You tell me.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Seriously? Comparing Obama to Hitler?

When will the fear mongering end? Fear is extremely dangerous, especially when used to manipulate a society. Hate feeds on fear; and people don't need anything more to fuel their hatred. I am greatly appalled at the remarks that have been made following this election. I have never felt so much hate directed towards me than I have during these past few months; simply for having a more liberal ideology. I'm sorry if the thought of progress frightens you but please look back 200 years ago and tell me that you're not proud of how far we have come. From treating human beings as though they were property and murdering in the name of God, to a nation aspiring to equal rights for all. Although we as a nation may be less religious than we were 200 years ago; I believe we are, as a whole, more moral. Obama is not fueling peoples hatred of anyone, or inciting fear in the people as Hitler did, he is actually doing the exact opposite. He is attempting to bring the people of this country together through hope and desire for a better tomorrow. It is important to understand history so that we can learn from past mistakes and never commit them again. Compare Obama's rallies to Palin's rallies and tell me which were filled with hope and unity and which were filled with fear and hate? If you are going to be afraid of anything be afraid of your own hatred; because hate, fear, and dehumanization leads to mass genocide, not a 3% tax increase for the wealthy.

**This message obviously doesn't apply to any one group as a whole, but to a select few, so please don't think that this is directed at all conservatives.